Friday 5 December 2008

Twilight, the film - opinion poll

The film has been out for days (I won't see it for another month, probably...) and I keep hearing how great/terrible it was. To be honest, I'm more surious what do people think of it against their original expectations - was Edward as charming and arrogant as in the books? Was Bella as clumsy? Did the meadow scene take your breath away? Was Alice annoying?

Did the film meet your expectations?

Quizzes by

What did you think of it?

Monday 24 November 2008

Vampires - the bad or the good

Have you ever wondered how did it happen that vampires, the bad guys in many scary stories, they suddenly became the good guys?

In Bram Stoker's "Dracula" (1897) vampires are cruel and terrifying yet in the modern culture they're often the good guys.. like David Boreanaz in Buffy.. Was it right what Edward was saying? Vampires are perfect predators - they're pretty and fascinating, they draw us closer in order to attack when it is least expected…

So are they good or bad? What would you prefer them to be? Or shouldn't we assume at all that the world is black or white? Let's hope for grey and other colours..

Saturday 22 November 2008

New Moon - a discussion.

An opinion poll about The New Moon:

Right, so what do you think?

I was absolutely mad when Edward left, I don't think I'll ever forgive him for that, even though a lot of good came out of that.. Jacob finally had a chance to create his fan club :P He's the loveliest and kindest person in the book but in my opinion he was brutally used by Bella and then abandoned like an old dog..

Abot Seth, I still have doubts, I wouldn't say I liked him, to me he was definately a negative character...

There were a few very interesting comments on the Quibblo site:

BellaVCullen: "New moon's a great book! for question 3 I have something to add. She was infact using jacob to fill in that empty space inside her. he made her feel better so i think because of that she was using him. and sam is weird but he's a positive character, in this book anyway. he helps save bella."

Disenchanted: "2 reasons that i didn't care that edward left:
1. he annoys me.
2. i knew he would come back so it didn't really matter
so yeah. i like jacob better, and those times with only him around were the best :)

hinata1012008: "Team Jacob Whoop Whoop!!" Funny :D

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