Friday 5 December 2008

Twilight, the film - opinion poll

The film has been out for days (I won't see it for another month, probably...) and I keep hearing how great/terrible it was. To be honest, I'm more surious what do people think of it against their original expectations - was Edward as charming and arrogant as in the books? Was Bella as clumsy? Did the meadow scene take your breath away? Was Alice annoying?

Did the film meet your expectations?

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What did you think of it?


Anonymous said...

I didn't hate it but I didn't love it either, to be honest, there was too much fuss about the film and it was a waste of time

ElaK said...

Does it destroy your hopes for the next film? Remember, it might be much better! :)

Anonymous said...

I was fairly dissapointed, I mean, they knew how many fans there were waiting impatiently for the film... It should have been so much better! And I didnt like all the characters. Carlisle and Rosalie?! Please....

ElaK said...

I understand your dissapointment, Johnny, the film was exactly perfect; but I wouldn't be this harsh either! And why were you unhappy with Carlisle and Rosalie?! They were both brilliant!

I found the film too fast paced, though; each event was presented so quickly as if the director couldn't wait to finish it up..

t dawg said...

I loved it. It was different from what I expected from the book, but in a lot of ways I think it was perfect. At first I was just noticing everything that was different from how the book was written. I was only slightly disappointed.

SO I went to see it again and was surprised by how much more I liked it the second time. The differences in the movie were definitely the unique touch of the director, screenwriter and others involved in the process. I loved it!! The first time I was surprised by some of the character choices, but the second time around I realized that they work. They worked well. And I was really impressed by the move actually.

Can't wait to see it again!!

ElaK said...

You want to see it again?! You must have really loved it! :D

I've seen it only once so far and after seeing it once, I was speechless - so many things happen within the hour and a half, my mind was working with a high speed of 10 thoughts per second!! I kept changing my mind what I thought of the film.. In the end I didn't like it because at no point was I given time to contemplate :(
I suppose, no one would want the film to be 3 hours long or any major scenes to be cut out so there's no solution to this problem.. Maybe if I see it again I won't be concentrating so much on it and I'll enjoy it more..

What did you think of the “meadow scene”?!

(in my previous comment I obviously meant to say “the film WASN'T exactly perfect”)

t dawg said...

i did! i really liked the move a lot. it was different than i expected, that's why the first time i saw it i was only able to notice things that were different than i expected. but seeing it a second time definitely opened your eyes a little - partly because you already know what to expect, and partly because you know that it's just a movie.

at this point (holiday time is so crazy), i'll probably wait until video until i see it again. but i really recommend seeing it a second time if you are able. you'll be able to process it better.

the meadow scene was intense. not entirely what i thought it would be like and it was a little out of sequence, too.....but it was good. it made me feel really sad for the character of edward.

Anonymous said...

I loved Emmet, he was such a teddy! And the game scene was astonishing!

ElaK said...

I actually didn't have enough time to update it for months, I suppose I should organize myself better now :)

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